Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Sunday's Miracle

In response to this email, I just sent this email out to the church.

Dear Church,

After everyone was gone and the trailer was loaded back up on Sunday, I took a seat on the steps of the stage in the empty cafeteria and just sat there for a few minutes, reflecting with amazement and thanking God for what had just happened. The best way to describe Sunday was miraculous. As great as it was to announce the offering total before all of you on Sunday, more money came in later, bringing Sunday’s total to $5,424.25!!!!

Wow, church….wow.

Praise God for the miracle and thank you for your obedience.

We’ve also brought in $345 for the Porn Sunday mailer. As I shared on Sunday, I was very surprised to find that we have a $900 credit at the post office, which is more than we needed for the postage. The $345 you gave will be almost the exact amount needed to pay for the two newspaper ads. Wow, God provides! I’d also like to inform you of a church-wide prayer meeting this Saturday morning, 8:00, at my house. We’re going to be praying for the next day’s Porn Sunday. Taking such a direct approach to a serious force of evil necessitates some serious prayer. Let’s be in prayer for Porn Sunday. I think that yesterday is a great example of what happens when our church combines prayer and obedience. God bless,

Donnie Miller

I've been almost giddy for the last two days. I'm almost in shock about what God did. My wife asked if maybe my faith was too small and I'll admit that it was too small. But thankfully, God doesn't ask that our faith be complete but that our obedience be complete. I did what God had told me to do not sure of the resuts.

I can't tell you how tempted I was to pull out from the beginning of my message the appeal for obedience that I made to the congregation. And when I stepped out of the sanctuary to get the count from Irene, I had a huge knot in my stomach. But that not quickly turned to tears of joy when I saw the number and was able to announce it to the congregation.

Every once in awhile I need to "man-up" as a leader and also to be reminded that TFC doesn't belong to me but to God.

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