January 2008
Kansas City District Family,
I have taken the unprecedented step of asking your pastor to get this letter into your hands. May I have a moment of your undivided attention?
Last August during our District Homecoming, I challenged us to do something this year beyond ourselves. That challenge was to engage in prayer and fasting for our brothers and sisters in the Horn of Africa field. These are the countries of Ethiopia, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Somalia.
There is a movement of God happening there that has resulted in over 1,000 new churches springing up just last year. One of the challenges of this kind of growth is the training of pastors and leaders. We can help.
Here is the challenge:
Fast one meal a week and pray for the Horn of Africa.
Save the money from that meal for a special offering in August at our 2008 Homecoming (Wednesday, August 6th)
If 1,500 of us averaged $3 per week ($156/yr.), our offering would be $234,000. It will provide preparation and training for pastors.
Many of you have already joined this mission and I thank you. I have heard some wonderful stories of children fasting, praying, and saving. Anyone can do this.
If you will give us your email address, we will send you periodic updates (about once per month) on what is happening in HOA. (Send a message to kcdistrict@kc.rr.com with “HOA List” in the subject line).
I was in Ethiopia in November and visited with our leaders there. I was profoundly impressed with how much they are counting on us.
The vision of our HOA family is: “To finish the Great Commission in the Horn of Africa in this generation.” I believe they have the passion, commitment, and blessing of God to see it happen. They are counting on our help. Let’s not let them down!
Please join me in doing something eternally significant for the kingdom of God!
Jeren Rowell, district superintendent
I first heard Jeren talk about this church-planting movement last August. Erin and I committed to giving the equivalent of the a meal per person per week. I've also committed to fasting two meals a week during 2008, some of which will be for the purpose of praying for "the Horn."
If you're interested in joining this prayer/ fasting/ giving movement, just let me know.
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