Monday, September 1, 2008

Finally Here!

Today marks the beginning of my favorite two months of the year! To celebrate the beginning of fall I got up early to mow the law, rake up dead grass to prepare for new growth to take its place and put down my fall fertilizer. I also listened to the below song for fourth September 1st in a row. I'm not exactly sure what it's about, but I love this song. My theory is that Billy Joe is taking his 7 year old son to Kindgarten, but I'd be willing to bet that isn't it.

To celebrate Labor Day, Erin and I are going to spend the day on the lake with some friends we met through the musical, the Sass family. For some strange reason, Zach Pogemiller will be joining us today as well...

I also watched a LOT of football over the weekend to celebrate the beginning of the greatest season of the year!

1 comment:

Dale said...

I definitely agree, fall couldn't have gotten here soon enough for me.

So how was the first week in the new theater?