Saturday, August 4, 2007

I got a visit from a good friend today

I had the privilege of spending time with one of my best friends today, Michael DeBoef. Boef and I met at the Iowa District CON teen camp in 1994 and have been good friends ever since. We went through college and seminary together, too. Boef and I were both called into full-time ministry at that camp in '94, but Boef fought it for a few more months before surrendering to God. I think God knew what he was doing in calling Michael to the ministry because he's an incredible youth pastor in Visalia, CA. I keep trying to talk Michael into planting a church, but he thinks that sounds crazy. Of course, I think leading a teen group sounds crazy.

The DeBoefs stopped by on their way from visiting Sarah's family in Wichita to visiting Michael's family in Oskaloosa, IA. I only get to see Michael a couple times a year, so it was good to catch up. Michael's the type of friend I could hang out with about every day and still get along or not talk for months but pick right back up where we left off. He's also the friend I usually call when something big (good or bad) happens in my life. The type of friend you thank God for.

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