Monday, June 11, 2007

A New Journey

On Tuesday, I received a call from the doctor. I should've known something by the fact that he was calling personally (not a nurse) and when he asked if I had time to talk.
Erin and I have been trying to get pregnant for almost two years and my doctor has now told me why. My fertility is about 1/20 of where it should be and there really isn't anything to be done about it. We're going to set an appointment with a reproductive specialist but I'm not sure what we'll learn. The only option for our own baby would likely be some expensive procedures that only offer a chance for pregnancy.

This really isn't supposed to be me; I've always had perfect health. I'm the guy who has run a marathon and bench-presses 300 lbs. Other than a few injuries here and there, I've always been the picture of health. I've also never really experienced major disappointment. So, realities of life have punched me in the face this week.

Erin is really taking it hard, she really hurts. I wish I could take away her pain and disappointment.

So we're facing a fork in the road - we're going to be taking one of two long journeys. The journey of some sort of artificial insemination or the journey of adoption. Both are long and both are very costly. I'm really not sure which road to take yet, although we're looking into both options.

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