Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Resiliency, part II

When I posted this a couple weeks ago, I was feeling pretty down. I was sure that I'd done exactly what God had asked me to do, but the results weren't as I'd expected. I was especially bummed that despite the RSVP's, no one from my neighborhood game to the Love and Logic class. But I did keep the emails from those that had RSVP'd and I forwared to them the invitation to TFC's "Love and Logic Weekend."

And one of my neighbors came to the Saturday night session, what do you know? Had I not knocked on all those doors, I never would've connected with them and been able to invite them to our L&L event.

God, I take back all those mean things I was thinking about you not holding up your end of the deal.

Also, I'm meeting with two new children's pastor candidates today, one via lunch and one via the phone.

Resiliency - the most important characterstic of a church planter!

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