Sunday, November 11, 2007


Corn is the currency of my parent's liveliehood. It's the gold that grows up out of the black Iowa topsoil. There is no better time to be on the farm than during the harvest; there's an energy pumping through the machinery and the farmers.

The first picture in the 2nd row is my dad sitting in a truck with a load we're taking to the Ethanol plant, you can see some of the other trucks sitting in line. The bottom right is my uncle Pete unloading a wagon into dad's truck.

This was the best harvest my dad's ever had in his decades of farming. The yield is record breaking and the prices are great. Those two usually don't happen in the same season.


Unknown said...

I like to call it the "gold gold". You might appreciate this corn freezing tutorial I wrote on my old site. It is from, I believe, the fall of '03. I mentioned Iowa in the Orange Bowl and I don't think I would have known about that during corn-freezing time of '02.


Unknown said...

To clarify, it is supposed to be humorous... I know some people are inexplicably uninterested in learning about freezing corn :)