Tuesday, July 14, 2009

We Love You Dawson

We had a lot of work to do after the show on Sunday. The crew was busy working to put away props, reorganize costumes and tear apart the set (which I heard guys were doing until 9:30 Sunday night). Those of us on the GCT board counted ticket money and then paid expenses, although I did spend a little time helping put away props.

Erin was busy working on costumes while I was fulfilling my responsibilities, so our friend, Annie, volunteered to hold Dawson. I thought, "good, I can get a little work done before I need to hold him again." And then I started working, occasionally looking back to check on Dawson. At one point I asked "it's been awhile, is Annie still holding Dawson?" I turned around to look and no, Annie was not holding Dawson. I had nothing to worry about though, because some members of Dawson's birth family were holding him. After they were done holding him, some other people volunteered. Dawson spent his summer evenings at rehearsal but Erin and I were able to work on our responsibilities because there was always such a long line of people wanting to hold Dawson, or dance with him even.

Naturally, part of that is because everyone likes holding cute babies. But another big part is that Dawson is a GCT baby. Were it not for GCT, Erin and I wouldn't be Dawson's mommy and daddy. You can read the whole story here.

Speaking of that story, we got a good picture of Alex and Dawson. Alex is the young man who was wearing the elephant ears and singing "a person's a person no matter how small for Spring Hill HS's Suessical the Musical, through which God told us to adopt Dawson.

Here are some ladies from the show singing a slight variation of a song from the show. This particular version was what Erin and I sang over and over to Dawson when we first took him home from the hospital.

Our first takes of the video were on Saturday night and Dawson was just too tired to appreciate all those cute girls singing about how much they love him. He was in a better mood on Sunday afternoon.

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