Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Salvation on the Strip

Check out this article from Craig Gross of xxxchurch, Salvation on the Strip. The way xxxchurch does ministry has really impacted me and has obviously been a huge impact on how we do our Love Wins ministry. XXXchurch is all about taking Jesus to people who would never step inside a church; being the church in culture rather than asking the culture to come to church. I love how Craig is referred to as a "chaplain to the porn industry" and how he's good friends with a guy who is basically a hall-of-famer in the adult film industry.

I also love how xxxchurch isn't afraid to talk about the junk we struggle with, pornography or any other addiction. They're honest unlike a lot of churches. I've been thinking about how we could minister to people struggling with addiction, so I was intrigued by their new ministry Heart Support.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Great article!