Monday, May 2, 2011

My thoughts on Osama's killing and our nation's response

Actually, I think the thoughts of Walter Wink are best suited to this event and to our nation's reaction.

And check out David Brush's post. 

The quote below if from Engaging the Powers. 

"Violence is the ethos of our times. It is the spirituality of the modern world. It has been accorded the status of a religion, demanding from its devotees an absolute obedience to death. Its followers are not aware, however, that the devotion they pay to violence is a form of religious piety. Violence is so successful as a myth precisely because it does not seem to be mythic in the least. Violence simply appears to be the nature of things. It is what works. It is inevitable, the last, and often, the first resort in conflicts. It is embraced with equal alacrity by people on the left and on the right, by religious liberals as well as religious conservatives. The threat of violence, it is believed, is alone able to deter aggressors. It secured us forty-five years of a balance of terror. We learned to trust the Bomb to grant us peace.
The roots of this devotion to violence are deep, and we will be well rewarded if we trace them to their source. When we do, we will discover that the religion of Babylon – one of the world’s oldest, continuously surviving religions – is thriving as never before in every sector of contemporary American life, even in our synagogues and churches. It, and not Christianity, is the real religion of America. I will suggest that this myth of redemptive violence undergirds American popular culture, civil religion, nationalism, and foreign policy, and that it lies coiled like an ancient serpent at the root of the system of domination that has characterized human existence since well before Babylon ruled supreme. In order for us to get our bearings, however, we have to go back to the mythic source."

To continue reading this chapter, click here and start reading on page 12.  But I'm not sure how many pages you'll get to read, though.  Believe me, this book is worth the purchase, one of the best books I've ever read.  I had a "red pill/ blue pill" type of mind change when reading this book.  And it's what eventually lead my down the "rabbit hole" taking me into teaching in the inner-city.

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