Thursday, April 29, 2010

Yep, love still wins

I just received this email from Pastor Andy regarding his Love Wins team. He actually would rather I not talk about a lot of stuff (that's why I removed an earlier blog post) so as to not give the wrong impression. But he was okay with me sharing this email.


Good Afternoon, Ya’ll!

I wanted to take a moment first and foremost to thank you for your prayers on Sunday evening as I went to dinner with my friend and secondly to fill you in on the events of that evening.

I met her around 5 and we went to a salad buffet. Almost immediately after she got into the car and we started driving, she shifted the conversation to more spiritual matters by telling me of her journey in faith (raised in a Christian home, good Christian parents- backslidden for a while and then a recommitment to Christ- AMEN, GO GOD!)

When we got to the restaurant- we got our food and ate- the conversation was a great one as about 4 hours later we realized it was time to go and we were the last people in there! Throughout the evening, she told me more of her journey and some of the struggles she faced about forgiveness, belief in grace and the doubt of living perfectly up to God’s standard…

THIS is the moment where your prayers came in and God’s Spirit moved and directed the conversation. You see, I am not one who has had much experience or comfort when it comes to death and preparation in the final days. I was able to share the truth with her- that we serve a God of grace who will forgive us our sins when we confess and purify us from all unrighteousness! Through your prayers, I was able to be a tool to communicate God’s Grace to her, His love, forgiveness and desire to be in relationship with her.

Hope was something in her life that seemed out of reach until Sunday night. But after the talk that evening, another friend ran into her and later told me that she was talking in more hopeful terms about the days she has here on earth.

This side of eternity, I may never fully know the impact of this conversation, but I am fully convinced it was a divine opportunity and appointment. She has been such a friend and blessing to me in the time I have known her- I see a great gentleness in her spirit and I know that as long as she’s here on this earth, God is at work and there is an amazing threshold of grace.

Thank you for your prayers. Many times people may think it’s the least they can do- but I want to challenge you to think of it as the Most you can do- it is powerful and it really does work.

Blessings and Joy.

Respectfully Submitted,

A Love Wins Member

And then another person just told the author of this note that she'd better keep hanging out because she sees "a hope in your eyes I haven't seen for awhile."

Really, really amazing stuff. And there are a whole lot of other amazing conversations happening, but just can't share them all.

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